
The morning after Rishi Sunak made his latest speech on migration, tragedy has once again struck in the Channel. This is developing quickly, but as of Wednesday afternoon we know [...]

RLS’s legal coordinator in Athens, Lucy Alper, explains how a positive decision isn’t the end of refugees’ worries in Greece. “It is commonplace that people granted protection status in Greece [...]

Photo credits: @bookerphotos Like so many others, Mohammed* was trying to reunite with family. He wanted to reach his brother. He’s originally from Kuwait. However, as he’s Bidoon, he has [...]

Two members of RLS’s Athens team, Lucy Alper and Tobias Hautekiet, provided an information session to students pursuing an MA in Geography at the University of Edinburgh. They discussed the [...]

RLS is a co-signatory to the below statement, available in English and in Greek/Ελληνικά. IT IS THE GREEK GOVERNMENT’S RESPONSIBILITY TO IMMEDIATELY PUT A STOP TO INFORMAL FORCED RETURNS (PUSHBACKS): [...]

Ελληνικά Subject: Upcoming Ministerial Decision Dear Mr Mitarachi, We understand that there is a Ministerial Decision currently being drafted by the Ministry of Migration and Asylum that aims to define [...]

Ελληνικά Exactly one year ago, the first EU-funded Closed Controlled Access Centre (CCAC) for asylum seekers in Greece was inaugurated on the island of Samos. Concerns were from the outset, [...]

Ελληνικά [links to Greek translation below english] When residents of the partially-closed camp (1) of Eleonas are notified of their transfer from Eleonas to another camp hours from the city [...]

RLS is a co-signatory to the below Joint Statement. 8 September 2022 In December 2021, the European Commission presented a proposal for a Regulation addressing situations of instrumentalisation in the [...]

RLS is a signatory to the below joint letter, sent 28/08/2022 to the Greek authorities. It it also available in pdf here. Dear Manos Logothetis and Patroklos Georgiadis, In light [...]