Peter’s story’s remarkable. He faced oppression, violence and torture, three continents and near drowning. He was kind enough to share his story with us so that we can tell the [...]
Greece remains the first place in Europe that many people fleeing persecution land. Demand for our support here is huge. However, with so much else happening, Greece has slipped out [...]
We’re proud to launch our new report “Two years of empty promises: the UK leaves Afghans stranded and at risk”. The report has been developed by the Afghan Pro Bono [...]
Qaed and his family have very kindly agreed that we can share their story here. Their journey demonstrates the enormous strength that’s required through the long journey to find safety [...]
After the fall of Kabul, the UK government set up programmes to resettle people in the UK. However, according to government figures revealed in a new report, the schemes have [...]
THREE YEARS AFTER MORIA BURNED DOWN THE PROMISE “NO MORE MORIAS” REMAINS AN EMPTY ONE After Europe’s biggest and most notorious refugee camp burned down in September 2020, promises were [...]
(Available in Greek below) Intervention of 28 organisations to competent Prosecutors on the pushback incident published by the New York Times Athens, 27 July 2023: In a joint submission to [...]
Joint Statement: NGOs call on Member States and European Parliament: Go no Lower: Reject the Use of Legal Loopholes in EU Asylum Law Reforms The Member States and European Parliament, [...]
A joint statement by Mobile Info Team, Equal Legal Aid, Refugee Legal Support, I Have Rights, Avocats Sans Frontières, and Legal Centre Lesvos Between 5th May and 7th June 2023, [...]
English translation below Χωρίς ανεξάρτητους και αποτελεσματικούς μηχανισμούς, δεν διερευνώνται οι παραβιάσεις δικαιωμάτων στην Ελλάδα Αθήνα, 21 Ιουνίου 2023: Επιτακτική για την αποκατάσταση του κράτους δικαίου στην Ελλάδα παραμένει η [...]