An image stating: "EU: Stop criminalising migration. 110 organisations condemn Facilitation Directive's failure to protect migrants and call for rejection of Europol Regulation."

Joint statement: EU: Stop Criminalising Migration in the Facilitator’s Package Law 

Today, we’ve issued a joint statement with 113 other organisations to condemn the Facilitator’s Package. 

The Package, issued in 2023, consists of a: 

  • Directive: a set of minimum rules across member states to prevent and combat the facilitation of unauthorised entry, transit and stay within the EU. 
  • Regulation: enhances police cooperation and Europol’s role in preventing and combating migrant smuggling and human 

In reality, the Facilitator’s Package fails to protect people on the move, and instead criminalises them, capitalising on the “right-wing politicisation of migration.” 

We’re calling on the EU to: 

  • Amend the facilitation directive to protect migrants 
  • Reject the Europol Regulation in its entirety 

Read the full statement below:

When the European Commission published the Facilitator’s Package in 2023, its stated goal was to protect migrants from being exploited by “professional smugglers” and undertaking dangerous journeys to Europe.

In reality, the Package’s proposed Facilitation Directive criminalises migrants and human rights defenders instead of targeting organised crime networks, and the Europol Regulation unlawfully expands the agency’s powers and resources by capitalising on right-wing politicisation of migration. 

It ignores the EU’s role in restricting regular routes for migrants, refugees and asylum seekers, and contributing to environmental, political and economic instability in their home countries – forcing them to seek life-threatening alternatives.

The EU must:

  • Amend the facilitation directive to protect migrants by including:
    • A clear legal definition of smuggling as a for-profit activity aligned with existing international standards.
    • An explicit and legally binding humanitarian exemption that protects migrants, refugees, asylum seekers, their families, and human rights defenders from being charged with smuggling. 
  • Reject the Europol Regulation in its entirety
    • Unlawful – the proposal expands the agency’s powers beyond its ‘cooperation’ mandate and above Member State competencies
    • Unsafe – the proposed increase in Europol’s mass data collection mandate risks widespread violations of privacy and fundamental rights, as denounced by the European Data Protection Supervisor. It also pushes data sharing with known human rights violators Frontex and third countries
    • Unsubstantiated – the proposal was presented without a proper impact assessment, going against the EU’s own Better Regulation Guidelines. The European Parliament’s substitute impact assessment calls into question the effectiveness and lawfulness of the proposal.

The Package is simply a continuation of the erosion of the right to seek asylum and the criminalisation of human movement laid down by the 2024 Migration and Asylum Pact. It feeds into right-wing fear mongering around migration and promotes a criminal law response to a social phenomenon. 

The EU continues to pour millions into violent criminal law approaches to migration that do not work. Public resources must instead be reallocated towards a system that meets the care and protection needs of all people, rather than targeting the most vulnerable. 


“EU border policies create the criminal conditions under which people resort to networks in order to move. Lawmakers of the Facilitators Package face a political choice. They can direct the powers of the criminal law, policy, funding and personnel toward the purpose of punishing people in need, or focus on protecting people on the move and those in solidarity with them. The choice is simple.” 

– Sarah Chander, Director, Equinox Initiative for Racial Justice 

“The fight against so-called ‘migrant smuggling’ is an insidious pretext to unlawfully expand Europol’s powers. Turning Europol’s NSA-style surveillance capabilities against migrants and human right defenders will only lead to more pushbacks, violence and deaths at the EU borders. So not only it is hypocritical, but also extremely harmful. The only solution is the rejection of this Europol reform proposal.” 

– Chloé Berthélémy, EDRi

“The rage of European member states to punish people for seeking safety is out of control. Thousands are arrested and thrown in jail each year, often in trials that fail to uphold legal standards, simply for trying to exercise their right to asylum. But more repression won’t put an end to the dying at sea. The only way to avoid irregular entrance, is regular entrance and freedom of movement for all.” 

– Dorothee Krämer, Advocacy Officer for Sea-Watch 

Additional resources

Analysis and recommendations from:

Initiated by: Equinox Initiative for Racial Justice and #ProtectNotSurveil Coalition (Access Now, Algorithm Watch, Border Violence Monitoring Network (BVMN), EDRi, European Network Against Racism (ENAR), Equinox Initiative for Racial Justice, EuroMed Rights, European Center for Not-for-Profit Law (ECNL), Homo Digitalis, Platform for International Cooperation on Undocumented Migrants (PICUM), Privacy International, Statewatch)

Signed by: 

  1. #DiasporaVote!
  2. Ação Pela Identidade – API
  3. Access Now
  4. Action Aid
  5. Africa Advocacy Foundation
  6. All African Women’s Group
  7. ALMA Community Therapies
  8. Almena Cooperativa Feminista
  9. Àltera APS
  10. Alternatif Bilisim
  11. APDHA-Asociación Pro Derechos Humanos de Andalucía
  12. Apna Haq
  13. Ariadni AMKE
  14. Asociación  Por Ti Mujer
  15. BePax
  16. Biznegra
  17. Boat Refugee Foundation
  18. Border Violence Monitoring Network
  19. CADO-Advocacy and Human Rights Center
  20. Changemakers Lab
  21. Comitato 3 Ottobre – Accoglienza ETS
  22. Community Rights in Greece
  23. CompassCollective
  24. Coordinadora Obrim Fronteres
  25. CPT – Aegean Migrant Solidarity
  26. Creación Positiva
  27. de:criminalize
  28. Digitale Gesellschaft (Germany)
  29. DIOTIMA (Greece)
  30. Equal Legal Aid
  31. Equinox Initiative for Racial Justice
  32. European Anti-Poverty Network (EAPN)
  33. European Civic Forum
  34. European Network Against Racism (ENAR)
  35. European Sex Workers’ Rights Alliance (ESWA)
  36. Fédération des tunisiens citoyens des deux rives (FTCR)
  37. Filipino Women’s Council
  38. Flüchtlingshilfe Iran e.V
  39. forRefugees
  41. German NGO Network against Trafficking in Human Beings – KOK
  42. Global Asylum Seeker Human Rights Defenders Committee (GASHDC)
  43. Global Women Against Deportations
  44. Greek Council for Refugees (GCR)
  45. Greek Forum of Migrants
  46. Hermes Center
  47. Hoatzin
  48. Hoffnung leben e.V.
  49. Homo Digitalis
  50. Human Rights Legal Project
  51. Humanity Diaspo ONG
  52. ILEX- Acción Juridica
  53. Intereuropean Human Aid Association
  54. International Coalition for People of African Descent ICPAD
  55. International Service for Human Rights
  56. International Women* Space
  58. Islamic Human Rights Commission
  59. Kif Kif vzw
  60. – Organitzacions per la Justícia Global
  61. Legal Centre Lesvos
  62. Love Without Borders
  63. Migrant Tales
  64. Migration Consortium
  65. Mobile Info Team
  66. Movement of Asylum Seekers in Ireland (MASI)
  67. New Bulgarian University
  68. New Women Connectors
  69. No Name Kitchen
  70. Northern Ireland Council for Racial Equality
  71. Northern Lights Aid
  72. Northern Police Monitoring Project
  73. Ona bros
  74. Platform for International Cooperation on Undocumented Migrants (PICUM)
  75. Podlaskie Ochotnicze Pogotowie Humanitarne
  76. Politiscope
  77. Privacy International
  78. QueeriséEs
  79. Racism and Technology Center
  80. Refugee Legal Support (RLS)
  81. Refugees in Libya
  82. Revibra
  83. Romnja Feminist Library
  84. Samos Volunteers
  85. Saplinq, o.z.
  86. SARAH gUG
  87. Sea-Eye e.V.
  88. Sea-Watch e.V.
  89. Seebrücke
  91. Solidary Wheels
  92. SOS Humanity e.V.
  93. Spazio di Mutuo Soccorso
  95. Statewatch
  96. SUPERRR Lab
  97. The Channel Monitoring Project
  98. The Electronic Privacy Information Center (EPIC)
  99. The Institute for Technology in the Public Interest (TITiPI)
  100. Transgender Europe (TGEU)
  101. Transnational Institute
  102. Tunisian Forum for Social and Economic Rights FTDES
  103. Über den Tellerrand e.V.
  105. UNESCO Inclusive Policy Lab- People of African Descent & SDGs E-Team
  106. United African Women Organization
  107. Up
  108. Utopia 56
  109. Vasilika Moon – La Luna di Vasilika NPO
  110. WeMove Europe
  111. WIDE+ (Women In Development Europe+)
  112. Women of Colour in the Global Women’s Strike
  113. Women World March Belgium


  1. Afrika Inkindi
  2. Anna Gruber
  3. Anouar El Hajjami-Jarri
  4. Asher Serrana
  5. Asli Telli
  6. Astrid Schreiber
  7. Astrid Schreiber
  8. Blanca Callén Moreu
  9. Carlos José Marques Salgado
  10. Charito Basa
  11. Daniela Schneider
  12. Diana Podar
  13. Doreen Olivia Williams
  14. Dorrie Wilson
  15. Dr Adi Kuntsman
  16. Elisa Damaso
  17. Emma Martín Díaz
  18. Ewa Trojanowska
  19. Felix Diaz Martinez
  20. Georgia Brooks
  21. Glenn Leihner-Guarin
  22. Ivana Stojanova
  23. Iyo Bisseck
  24. Jara Henar
  25. Jessica Machacova
  26. Karolina Mazurek
  27. Katarina Baltar
  28. Katarzyna Anna Augustynek
  29. Kayra vee Martinez
  30. Laïla B
  31. Lamar Bailey Karamañites
  32. Laurenz Koppenhagen
  33. Leonie Mensel
  34. Luka Mester
  35. Lutz Bucklitsch
  36. Mafe Moscoso
  37. Maisy Vincent
  38. Marek Męczyński
  39. Marga Burgui Artajo
  40. Mariam Camilla Rechchad
  41. Mher Hakobyan
  42. Misamu Nzabi
  43. Mouhieddine Cherbib
  44. Olga Lubicz
  45. Ona Bros
  46. Osman Vatansever
  47. Paulino Gonzalez
  48. Piotr Fijałkowski – Obywatele RP
  49. Prof. Jan Tobias Muehlberg
  50. Robert Krzysztoń
  51. Romdhane Ben Amor
  52. Selamauyt Tesfaye
  53. Stella Nyanzi
  54. Susana Mariano Anastácio
  55. Tamara Rubin
  56. Terri Beswick
  57. Vinya Mehta
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