Contact us

Get in touch

Please note that if you’re in Greece, you can also send us a message on WhatsApp.

Get in touch

You can get in touch by using the form.
Please note that if you’re in Greece, you can also send us a message on WhatsApp.

RLS details

UK Address:
61 Mansell Street, London, E1 8AN

You should not attend our office address without an appointment. If you require legal assistance or wish to refer a case please contact us at:

Greece Address:
Λεωφόρος Αλεξάνδρας 14, Αθήνα 106 82
+30 694 066 2583

If you require legal assistance in Athens (Asylum Interview Preparation or family reunification) please contact us at:

Our regulator in the UK

You can make a complaint the Immigration Advice Authority (IAA) by sending a letter to:

Immigration Advice Authority
21 Bloomsbury Street, London, WC1B 3HF

OISC also requires us to tell you that it is the public body charged with regulating immigration advice and services throughout the UK. The OISC may review your file as part of their regulatory role. This means that OISC is responsible for supervising our work. It also means that OISC may need to look at private information about your case. This will only be to help you with your complaint.

Making a complaint

We aim to provide you with friendly and efficient service. If we have not done this, then you can tell us that you are not happy. This is called making a complaint. It is important that you tell us if you are unhappy or you think we should do something differently.

If you would like to make a complaint, you can fill in the form on this page, or email us directly at 

You can find our complaints policy here.

Complaint form

If you want to make a complaint, this will not make us unhappy or want to stop helping you. We like to know what we have not done well.

This is because it helps us to know what you did not like, so that we can do our work better for you or for other people.

Urgent appeal: Help Reunite Families this Festive Season

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