
RLS’s islands project coordinator, Elèna Santioli, was selected by the OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR) along with 23 other human rights defenders working in the Northern [...]

We’re sure you’ve seen the news from the UK in the last few days. The government is taking another swipe at human rights and the rule of law. The first [...]

RLS’s Elèna Santioli wrote about the trial of the Moria 6 for Italian outlet Melting Pot Europa. The full article can be found here in Italian and a summary is [...]

RLS is a signatory to this open letter, which was published here and is reproduced below. Ελληνικά/Greek PRESS RELEASE WITCH-HUNT AGAINST DEFENDERS OF HUMAN RIGHTS IN COMPLETE REVERSAL OF REALITY [...]

Less than a week after a further four deaths in the Channel, we are appalled that the UK Government has been given the green light for its inhumane Rwanda scheme [...]

The morning after Rishi Sunak made his latest speech on migration, tragedy has once again struck in the Channel. This is developing quickly, but as of Wednesday afternoon we know [...]

RLS’s legal coordinator in Athens, Lucy Alper, explains how a positive decision isn’t the end of refugees’ worries in Greece. “It is commonplace that people granted protection status in Greece [...]

Two members of RLS’s Athens team, Lucy Alper and Tobias Hautekiet, provided an information session to students pursuing an MA in Geography at the University of Edinburgh. They discussed the [...]

RLS is a co-signatory to the below statement, available in English and in Greek/Ελληνικά. IT IS THE GREEK GOVERNMENT’S RESPONSIBILITY TO IMMEDIATELY PUT A STOP TO INFORMAL FORCED RETURNS (PUSHBACKS): [...]

RLS’ legal coordinator and caseworker Lucy Alper gave an open advice session at Forge for Humanity on refugee law and the asylum procedure, along with discussion and time allocated for [...]